Saturday 4 December 2010

Promotional CD Cover

I created a promotional CD to do with my magazine as an extra, i decided to do a compilation CD as it would give me more choice and power over the design of the cover. I wanted the CD to have all songs that a typical reader of my magazine would listen to, but i also tried to get a variety on there too.
I wanted a vintage/homemade feel to my cover, i decided that the main image on it should be on original cassette tape, as this what original compilations were recorded on. To keep in with the 'homemade' look i tried to get a written type font so it looked original, i used 'TrashHand' which i think achieved this look. I chose to use a blue biro colour font so also add to the effect- I carried this on throughout the cover. I used photoshop to edit my image making the whole thing darker by using the 'Burn Tool' I used this repeatedly around the edges to create the old look. This effect also made it look more vintage. The darker corner and edges leads your eye to the centre. Then the bright in comparison to the background font stands out more in contrast. The whole thing looks very original and would fit in nicely with my magazine and the all round look i want for my products.
I then proceeded to make the back cover of the CD. I wanted to still keep it similar to the cover- with the same feel to it (vintage/homemade) although i wanted to do in a slightly different way. So it followed on from the cover i decided to use the same font and colour. I created the background in photoshop by overlaying various images until i got the look i wanted, using the 'Burn Tool' again to make some bits darker mainly the tea cup stains. The background look i was aiming for was a scrap of paper with seemingly unimportant writing on it- the hand written font and the fact that the writing wasn't all on the lines added to this. I then inserted the logo's and important information. The Parental Advisory sticker to show that the some of the songs had an explicit nature to them. Also the Music Club logo, a company that creates many compilation CD's. Then a wed address and copy right information. These two things i wanted to keep out the way so i places them in the two right corners of the back cover- so you can easily see them but they dont take away from the design.

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